Adoption: Bender

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Nice to meet you, my name is Bender. I am a Kemp's Ridley sea turtle, which is actually the most rare on the entire Earth. I was rescued in 2005 because I became entangled with fishing line and got struck by a boat, causing the "Bubble Butt Syndrome." I would not be able to survive in the wild so I am now a permanent family member at The Turtle Hospital. I tend to be quite shy and like to hide at the bottom of my pool. Unless it is time for my favorite snack: squid stuffed with shrimp! I could possibly be one of the oldest sea turtles at the hospital and can easily be identified by my light coloration, which is how I earned my nickname "ghost turtle." Have your camera ready when visiting my pool. If I do make an appearance at the surface, you can take a picture before I disappear like a ghost. 

** Note - The Adoption Packets will be mailed to the "Shipping Address" even if the "Updates" are going to the adoptee at a different address.  If this is a gift and you would like it to go to the Adoptee, please make sure to use their address in the "Ship to" option in the checkout page. If you would like for it to come to you so you can gift it personally, please put your address in the "Ship to" option on the checkout page and put the "Adoptee Address" in the required field. Thank you! **

If you have already adopted Bender and are looking to readopt, Please go to the "Adoption Renewals" Collection!